Sunday, February 17, 2008


So my bike trainer is in the basement. I think I walked down there 50 times before I finally had everything ready to go tonight. Let me start by saying it was raining hard. I know you are probably thinking that this shouldn't affect a bike ride in my basement on the trainer. Do you know me? First I had to look up and write out my workout. I walked downstairs. Then came back up. I needed my meter. Back down. I need my heart rate monitor. Back upstairs. got it. Back downstairs. I need my iPod. Back upstairs and I put my shoes on and ran out to the car. I'm now soaking wet and ready to ride. My plan was to ride for over an hour and a half and looking at Ashley Ahn's bike that I have borrowed I finaly decide I just can't handle the girl seat on it any more. My seat is out in the minivan down beside the house, so in my bike shoes with the funny little clips that go with the Clipless Pedals? I go running out to the van. The back yard is like an inch deep in water. I am getting soaked. Oh great the van isn't in the driveway. It's way up by the road. Dude I am drenched and my feet are swimming. It's like a freaking triathlon here. I change socks and head back to the basement. I think getting ready for the workout is going to take longer than the actual training. I finally start riding and listen to most of the book of Matthew which apparently I really needed. My butt wasn't killing from the girl seat which was awesome but riding for almost 2 hours on a seat you haven't seen in a while taint the best of plans.


Michelle said...

Well, consider yourself trained for Ironman Wisconsin - 2006 style! It rained ALL DAY at a solid 52 degrees....windy...hypothermia, can't feel arms, can't get off bike, can't drink warm water because your arms are shaking so bad and you accidentally shoot the cup of water over your shoulder instead of hit your lips, wear a garbarge bag over your running clothes....and still cross the finish line smiling your giddy head off wearing those wet socks that will take additional people to remove post-race...I won't describe the toenail situation that year. Ahem.

Sigh.... welcome.....

Dave said...

and i think it did take about 17 hours for me to get ready for that workout.

Anonymous said...

No it it taint!